Saturday, December 19, 2009

Westernized Generation-

The use of the words WTF/OMG/S***/etc

We are muslim. Why we want to use such words excessively in every sentence we blurt?
We have better words to replace those.We have astagfirullah,Allahuakbar,
Subhanallah,Ya Allah,and etc and not the cursing words that are cast with anger and frustration.Why we want to follow others' identitty while we have our own identity which is more beautiful than those?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What do we want to archieve in LIFE?

Im having a thought one day (living a hectic life in INTEC makes my aim went astray),what is life all about?Is it just about being happy and complete?
A friend tell me that life would be boring without problems and challenges.I agree. It's a relevant point but then...What is the total happiness in life?
It is mardhotillah that we seek for~

Friday, December 11, 2009

Menggapai Hati-hati Kepada Fitrah


"Macam mana klu kita ditakdirkan untuk menjadi jahat?Kita dah tak boleh nak ubah kan takdir itu sebab itu takdir..."

"Saya belajar siang malam,pergi library la,pre-study lg before result test masih teruk.Solat puasa aurat saya jaga,tp kenapa Allah bg kejayaan kpd org yang x jaga semua tu?"

"Apa tujuan hidup kita ye sebenarnya kt dunia nie...kadang2 saya terfikir,manusia hidup dlm satu kitaran yg sama: makan,minum,belajar,kerja,berkeluarga,mati."

"Saya rasa saya dah ok,aurat saya jaga,solat n puasa x tinggal,hormat org tua,bersopan dan beradab.."

"We don't have to check the restaurants,bakeries or food court so deeply.nnti semua benda tak boleh makan.asal ada tanda halal ok la tu~"

I got those feedback from various people within the period of 6 months back.